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Here are some recipes showing easy, beneficial & interesting ways of eating Turmeric and Ginger.

For arthritic or joint pain relief and as a daily supplement


1 pack fresh Turmeric

1 pack fresh Ginger

1 tea spoon ground Black Pepper

3/4 cup Honey (or as per your taste)


Empty both Turmeric and Ginger containers into a glass bowl. Once thawed, add 3/4 cup of Honey and the ground black pepper. Amount of honey can be increased or decreased to suit your taste.


Keep refrigerated.

Eat a tablespoon full --twice a day. Ideally with Greek Yogurt or hot milk.

This is highly recommended for people suffering from all types of arthritis.

Eating Turmeric and Ginger helps keep the immune system in balance and provides the body with necessary resources and nourishment to maintain good joint health. In his book "Anti Cancer - A new way of life", Dr. D. S. Schreiber writes that the benefit of Turmeric is enhanced by 200% when it is combined with Ginger.

Taking Turmeric also helps in curing Anemia and increasing the oxygen carrying capability of blood.

Recipe for Ginger Tea with Honey - Cold and Sinus congestion

Suitable for adults and children


1 teaspoon 100% Fresh Pure Ginger Root
2 glasses / 16 oz. Water
5 Black Pepper Corns
3 Whole cloves
½ inch stick of Cinnamon or ¼ teaspoon Cinnamon powder
2 Green Cardamom
Honey - to taste

On medium heat, in a pan, bring to boil all the spices with water. Cover and simmer on low heat for 15 minutes. Strain and add honey to taste. Drink a small cup of 4~6 oz. morning and evening.

This tea can be made in bulk and refrigerated. Heat up in the microwave or on stove when needed.
Honey should not be microwaved, add honey after the tea is heated.

I have used this tea for myself, my children, grandchildren and other friends and family. It has helped each time!

For relief of Joint Aches & Pains and Insomnia - Turmeric & Ginger with Milk / Soy Milk / Almond Milk / Water

1 cup milk (In case of lactose/dairy intolerance use Soy milk, Almond milk or Water ).
1 tsp. Fresh Turmeric Root
1/2 tsp. Fresh Ginger Root
Honey or other sweetener (optional)

Heat one cup of milk with all ingredients in a saucepan on medium heat and bring to a boil. Simmer for five minutes while stirring frequently. Sweeten to taste, preferably with a healthy sweetener like honey. Drink warm1

For cough, sore throat and colds - Turmeric with Milk / Soy Milk / Almond Milk / Water

Suitable for children and adults


Turmeric and milk is an ancient but still popular Ayurvedic remedy for cough, sore throat and colds. The health benefits of Turmeric combined with the sleep-promoting properties of milk are what make this a tried and tested remedy that will heal the body and soothe the soul.

2 cups milk (In case of lactose/dairy intolerance use Soy milk, Almond milk or Water)
1 tsp. Fresh Turmeric Root
4 Black Peppercorns - crushed
Honey or other sweetener (optional)

Place all ingredients in a saucepan on medium heat and bring to a boil. Simmer for five minutes, stirring frequently. Sweeten to taste, preferably with a healthy sweetener like honey.

Don't omit the black Peppercorns from the recipe. Research has found that black pepper increases the bio-availability of Turmeric and helps it heal the body. In fact, one study found that Turmeric and Black pepper eliminated breast cancer cells when consumed together.

This drink is great on cold winter evenings!!

Green Tea & Ginger Iced Tea (Recipe by Dr. Oz)

Natural Fat burner

​Both green tea and ginger have fat-blasting properties. The green tea contains nutrients that help block fat absorption. Ginger on the other hand helps metabolism. When taken together, both the green tea and ginger help raise metabolism and help your body utilize carbohydrates (carbs.) more efficiently.

1 tbsp Miracle Roots Fresh Ginger
4 tbsp loose Green tea or 12 tea bags
3 cups water
Honey to taste (if required)

Bring the water to a boil. Turn off the heat and let the tea and ginger soak in the boiling water for 5 minutes. Add honey to taste as a sweetener. Remove the tea bags or leaves and pour the concentrated tea into a jug (about 1.5L). Fill the rest of the jug with cool water. Put the tea in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to chill. Then enjoy!

Other uses of Ginger & Turmeric

  • Add it to soup, marinades, stews, Rice Pilaf or Risotto
  • Add to your Stir Fried dishes to give that extra bit of flavour and a slight zing
  • Mix with honey and Cinnamon to make a delicious, healthy jam for your Toast
  • Spread it lightly on a sandwich

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